Welcome to the Office of Vice President for Research and Community Service

Dr. Hawa Wolie Yimer
Research & Community Service Vice-Presidentvp.research@wu.edu.et
Wollo University Research and Community Service Vice-President is responsible for the management, administration, and leadership of research, Community service as well as Technology Transfer. The Vice-President is primary responsibility for the planning, development and implementation of all research administration initiatives in support of Wollo University vision, mission, and strategic directions with a key role of promoting Wollo University research and community service locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. The Vice-President for Research and Community Service combines outstanding research with real world impact on ‘research power’ – quality combined with the number of staff engaged in research , with at-least sixty five percent of the staff to be engaged in research. In order to unbeaten the office will focus on excellence with impact through building best performing subjects as well as talented people, and establish an enhanced research as culture. The office is responsible for:
- Strategically overseeing the University’s research, community service and technology transfer programs in both campus;
- Enabling and assisting staff to identify and secure external funds through competition as well as cooperation;
- Promoting and supporting basic and applied research in the different disciplines and areas of interest of the staff and the community;
- Creating an environment and culture inside the University that facilitates, nurtures, and supports research, community Service and technology transfer;
- Supporting joint research and community service programs with partner institutions;
- Enhancing research in indigenous knowledge; and
- Overseeing the development of research, community service, and technology transfer policy with commercialization of appropriate University research projects whenever possible.
In general, the Vice-president for Research and Community Service lead Research and Publication, Community Service, and inculcate culture, arts and indigenous knowledge, Technology Transfer and Strengthen University-TVET-Industry linkage through the direction of an efficient and user-friendly Office that delivers services, support and training necessary to enable the effective functioning of all activities related to the office and ensure intellectual property management in a way that supports the university staff and the University as well.
The Vice-President Research and Community service is responsible for nurturing the highest standards of research, community service and technology transfer supporting academic freedom, and is an advocate of scholarly integrity and research excellence in collaboration with partners, that enable also to promote of positive relations internally among university staff and externally with regional, national as well as international partners.
Wollo University Research and Community Service Vice-President Office envisions being one of the top five Universities in terms of outstanding quality research, community engagement, and technology transfer in Ethiopia by 2025.
Wollo University Research and Community Service Vice-President office has the following missions to accomplish:
- Provide leadership to foster research programs, research activities, community services, technology transfer and entrepreneurship and commercialization activities;
- Direct the strategic and operational planning and budget processes related to these activities;
- Undertake researches that helps to solve the socio-economic problems of the country and that can also add new values and knowledge to the society;
- Identify and pursue opportunities on behalf of researchers and the University to increase Wollo University performance and reputation for outstanding research and community service;
- Provide direction to all staff and University units in the development of their strategic research plans by supporting best practices;
- Render various community services to fulfill social responsibilities expected of it as an academic institution;
- Render consultancy and short term training services to business, government, and non-government organizations to help them accomplish their objectives;
- Develop, protect and valuate intellectual property; and
- Work with the University’s Vice-Presidents to ensure achievement of mutual goals.
The values of the Vice-President for Research and Community Service of Wollo University includes Quality, Diversity, Equity, Excellence, Continuous Improvement, Teamwork, Collaboration, Transparency, Tolerance, Accountability, and Mutual respect.