Overview of Culture, Art and indigenous knowledge institute

Zelalem Getnet
P.O.Box: 1145 Dessie, Ethiopia
Wollo University is located in the area endowed with potential historical, cultural and natural heritage resources and indigenous knowledge as well. Thus, institute of Art Culture, and Indigenous knowledge was established in the second quarter of 2015 at Wollo University with the main goal to find, collect, document, preserve and promote culture and heritages of the country in general and the region in particular. Besides, the institute was established to conduct research and provide training in related with culture, art and indigenous knowledge and archives of the region in general and Wollo in particular. Moreover, the institute mandated to fostering the three fundamental modal systems of Tezeta, Bati and Ambasel called Qegnit (Mode) through rigorous research. To make it real the institute uses Music and theater as major tools to promote and appraise the culture, art, indigenous knowledge and tourism potential of the area. Under the institute there is Archival center.
Research thematic areas of the institute
- Theme 1. Indigenous knowledge and social development
- Theme 2.Performing Arts
- Theme 3. Cultural Heritage Management
- Theme 4.Folk culture of the society
- Theme 5. Traditional medicine
- Theme 6. Religious institutions and their role
- Theme 7. Archival management and museum studies
- Theme 8. Tourism industry