Gezahegn Assefa Desalegn (PhD)
Assistant professor of PhysicsDirector, Registrar and Alumni Directorate
Welcome to the Office of Registrar and Alumni Directorate
Wollo University, established in 2007 is one of the second-generation universities in Ethiopia. Registrar and Alumni Directorate as one of the core offices of the university established with the establishment of the University
Registrar and Alumni Directorate is an office focused on maintaining students’ academic records and data security. The office is committed to supporting the University mission through providing efficient and reliable services to students and staff in all colleges, institutes and schools under all programs. The office consists of one central registrar office in Dessie campus and two associate registrar offices for Dessie and Kombolcha campuses. The registrar and alumni Directorate aims to provide the highest level of service to students, alumni and staff through collaboration, cooperation and implementing modern technological applications for registrar and alumni services and to ensure compliance with academic policies, procedures, and regulations. The office is committed in protecting the privacy of student educational records and by applying modern and up to the standard work ethics.
The University Registrar and Alumni Directorate shall be accountable to the Vice President for Academic Affairs(VPAA) and has the following duties and responsibilities:
- The University Registrar and Alumni Directorate is responsible for all functions involving student intake, admission, placement, registration, student academic records, readmission,, class and exam schedules, allocation of classrooms and students’ graduation;
- Announces and advertises university programs andadmission to the public;
- Prepare academic calendar of the University in consultation with the academic vice president and submit to the Senate for approval, and ensures that each academic units strictly adhere to the Calendar.
- Issue student identification cards, official transcripts and degrees;
- Submit to the Senate, after approval by AC and ASCRC, the names of candidates eligible for graduation in conformity with University rules and regulations;
- Continually analyze and evaluate all existing rules and regulations on registration, academic performances, attrition, graduation, etc., and recommend modifications where necessary;
- Submit to the VPAA timely progress reports on student admission, placement, registration, academic performance and attrition, and make any recommendation thereon;
- Ensures that pertinent laws and policies, directives of the Senate and its committees and guidelines on student intake capacity, selection, admission, placement, student enrollment management, curricula and graduation matters such as courses and credit requirements are strictly followed;