Office of the Tutorial Service Director

Mohammed Siraj Mohammed (PhD)
Assistant Professor of Environment & Natural Resources
+251- 111- 239 768
P.O.Box: 1145, Dessie, Ethiopia
The Office of the Tutorial Service Director is accountable to the Vice President Academic Affairs with responsibilities for leading, coordinating and facilitating the University’s tutorial service.
The major duties and responsibilities of director of tutorial service are to:
- Undertake surveys to understand student learning deficits and develop annual plans and budget for tutorial services in both campuses for consideration by the VPAA after consulting with the colleges and the officials of student affairs therein.
- Introduce learning skills such as speed reading, study skills, and time management plan, organize, manage, and evaluate a developmental education learning lab.
- Oversee the operation and staffing of tutorial services in both colleges using the directors of academic affairs to identify and recruit tutors and plan their schedules, develop the hours of operation, secure resources for the services and ensure the repair and sanitation of the facilities is maintained.
- Coordinate the tutorial services in the two colleges using the directors of academic affairs.
- Facilitate use of computer software for developmental courses.
- Assist with student testing, advising, and placement in developmental courses;
- Design foundational courses and programs in both colleges and align qualified staff from within the university community and outside.
- Direct academic services and training initiatives based on best practices, research, professional standards, and guidelines.
- Assess for continuous improvement and oversee modifications based on evaluation results, changing student needs, and available resources.
- Serve on appropriate committees related to student needs and student retention.
- Popularize the tutorial services among students and study the impact of tutorial service on those benefitting from them on a semester basis and take corrective action for better impact.
- Engage volunteers who are competent in the foundational courses to tutor students and follow up their work. Align community resources to make the tutorial services sustainable.
- Monitor the tutorial activities in both colleges such that there is no laxity on both the staff and students.
- See to it that all tutorial programs are supported with the staffing, material and facilities necessary.
- Uphold to the core values, vision, mission, strategy and code of conduct and the provisions of the Legislation of the University and do one’s part to ensure the advancement of the same.
Ten College/School/Insitute Coordinator Offices of Tutorial Services are answerable to the Tutorial Service Director and assist with tutorial services are coordinators in
- Social Sciences and Humanities College
- Natural Science College
- Business and Economics College
- Agriculture College
- Health & Medical Sciences College
- Engineering College
- Informatics College
- Teachers and Pedagogical studies Institute
- Veterinary Medicine School
- Law School