In order to discharge its maximum contribution for quality and relevant education through integrating the overall activities of graduate programs in the respective colleges, schools and institutes, the Graduate Studies Directorate was established as a separate central academic unit at the university level.

The Graduate Studies Directorate works together with the colleges/ schools /Institutes thereby designs flexible and suitable curriculums and offers opportunities of higher education to diverse groups of the society in various modalities (regular, distance, extension, and summer). It will further develop exchange programs with universities/institutes from foreign countries to promote the international relation of the university.

Accordingly the structure, organization and management of graduate studies are mandatory to provide efficient and effective academic service for the clients and the community at large. To this effect, Wollo University has developed this guideline for organization and management of the graduate program so that graduate studies will be managed properly. Efficient management and coordination of the graduate program is the joint responsibility of the all communities in the university, the Academic Affairs Vice President, and other members of the graduate advisory committee would play a vital role. The university graduate program communication and interaction among all of these participants is the key to producing competent and quality graduate students for addressing the challenges of the community and the country at large.

Wollo University launched Master’s degree in 2012 academic year with a few students in the two fields. Since then, the University has gone through a lot of transformation and opened many postgraduate programs in various field of studies. The university also launched Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programs in 2019 academic year. Since the University began its transformation in all aspects of human resources and academic programs, many new programs have been launched during the past decades. The Postgraduate Directorate in collaboration with each school, institution, department and the colleges also plans to launch new programs in PhD and Masters.

The last years, the University has produced a considerable number of postgraduate students each academic year. The universities worked actively and delivered quality teaching and postgraduate student’s research that has contributed much towards the high-level trained human resource and problem solving research output. Since the postgraduate programs were launched at Wollo University, 1,620 masters have been graduated from various programs from different colleges hosting the programs. The colleges offering postgraduate study (most at masters level and some at both masters and PhD level) include Agriculture and Environmental sciences, Business and Economics, Natural and Computational Sciences, Education and Behavioral Sciences, Health and Medical Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, Computing and Informatics, Veterinary Medicine, Law, and Institute of Technology.

In this academic year (2020/21 G.C; 2013 E.C), the Postgraduate Directorate in collaboration with colleges, institutes, schools and departments that own the programs admitted more than 400 MSc and 10 PhD students to various fields of study at the regular and non- regular (Summer and Continuing Education) programs. At present we do have a total 4183 post graduate students in different batch of the above program

Vision, Mission and Values of the University

Vision Wollo University envisions being one of the five universities in terms of outstanding qualityeducation, research, technology transfer, and community development services in Ethiopia by 2017E.C./2025 G.C

Mission Wollo University has the following missions to accomplish.

  1. Provide quality higher education at all levels through regular, extension, distance and continuing education modes so as to produce competent professionals who can support the development endeavor of the country;
  2. Produce competent entrepreneurs who could contribute to the technology transfer endeavorsof the country;
  3. Undertake researches that help to solve the socio-economic problem of the country and thatcan also add new values and knowledge to the society;
  4. Render consultancy and short-term training services to business, government, and non-government organizations to help them accomplish their objectives;
  5. Render various community services to fulfill social responsibilities expected as anacademic institution.

Fields of Study, Subjects and Concentrations

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