Human Resources and Infrastructures

  • As per the requirements set in the national CPD guideline and directive the college assigned necessary human power (CPD director, CPD coordinator, Training officer, IT officer, panel of experts, and administrative assistant/secretary)
  • The center has the following infrastructures put as a requirement:
    • Fully furnished CPD office with desktop computers, laptops, scanners, photocopier and printers
    • Three training halls which can accommodate more than 30 participants at once
    • High speed Broadband Wi-Fi services (Ethernet)
    • More than two syndicates/break out rooms which each can accommodate 15-20 participants at time
    • Fully furnished ICT rooms with about 60 latest desktop computers connected with broadband internet
    • High patients flows for clinic based training (Dessie comprehensive specialized Hospital)
    • Fully furnished skill labs for all categories of professionals like nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, medicine, anesthesia, laboratory and etc.
    • Fully equipped catering (Refreshment) services
    • Clean and enough toilets services
    • Clean and enough toilets services

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