E-STEM Outreach Program
The participation rate in secondary science and mathematics education is a key indicator of a country’s potential for producing a scientificallyliterate society, which is a prerequisite for the development of science and technology and economic advancement. Until recently, compared to levels in many countries, enrollment rates in science at secondary schools in Ethiopia was low. It is therefore not surprising that the development of a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) tradition, and the corresponding public investment in STEM fields in the nation, is limited. With a poor base of preparation in science and mathematics education to appreciate and use science and technology, the capacity of a country to innovate, adapt technology to local conditions, and use and maintain technologies is out of reach. Currently, a dramatic increase in enrollment rates in science at the secondary school level is recorded. Nevertheless, most secondary schools frequently lack adequate resources, the infrastructure of teaching laboratories and suitably trained science and mathematics teachers who are enthusiastic and capable of stimulating scientific thinking.
The Summer E-STEM program is a fast-pacedintensive program whichprovides hands-on, inquiry-based and project-basededucational activities and course credit to 9th-12th-grade students who have exceptional talent in science and mathematics. Rising 9th – 12th grade students who are excited aboutlearning and have excelled in science and mathematics are eligible to be part of the Wollo University Summer E-STEM program. Participants enroll in the program during the six-week residential program and have the opportunityto master one year of high school science and mathematics.Central to the Summer E-STEM programresidential program is the idea thatliving where they learn, students become part of acommunity of like-minded young people. Thesestudents are committed to academic excellence, socialand emotional growth, and creative and recreationalexcitement. Crucial to this stimulating environment isthe inclusion of students who share similar abilities,interests, talents, and commitments. At Summer E-STEM program, studentslearn responsibility, self-motivation, communityparticipation, and respect for others.The academic program is key to the spirit and structureof Summer E-STEM program. In order for students to perform at the upperlevel of their capabilities, students must have a stronginterest in science and mathematics. Students are required to attendclass for 6 hours per day, Monday through Friday, andfor 3 hours on Saturday mornings. Atthe end of the program, a final student performancereport is sent to the student’s school and the student’s parents.Teachers involved in the Wollo University Summer E-STEM outreach program are responsible for developing theacademic program, and scheduling each day’s academicactivities.They are also responsible for the classroom behavior ofparticipants and their academic progress. Summer E-STEM program teachersare exemplary mathematicians and scientists and E-STEM educators from the College of Natural and Computational Science and Department of Foreign Language & Literature at Wollo University.
Email: estem@wu.edu.et
Phone: +251 912 1646 33
Fax: +251 331 1914 44