Department of Biology & Biotechnology
Wollo University is one of the second generation universities built by federal government, Ethiopia and its foundation stone was laid in 2005. Department of Biology was instigated in Dessie in 2006 by enrolling 120 students and later it moved to Kombolecha in 2008 and again it moved to Dessie in 2012. The department of Biology offers B.Sc. degree program in Biology since 2005 and B.Sc. in Biotechnology since 2016. Currently, the department runs 6 M.Sc. programs, Summer M.Sc. programs, Summer B.Sc. program, and 1 PhD program.
Since its establishment in 2006, the Department of Biology has undergone tremendous development. It now has a group of academic and technical staff well qualified to service the various programs currently being offered which are designed in accordance with the needs of the nation and industries. With an academic staff of more than 33and over 5 technical staff, the Department has been committed to provide professional training in various Biology fields to meet the demands of the industries and society or the country at large.
The programs in current Biology department are sufficiently flexible to provide excellent preparation in different areas of Life Sciences. Under graduate programs in biology are aimed to provide quality education in the areas of Biological and Biotechnological knowledge and skills. The Biotechnology programs are aimed to train students in the advancement of biology with technology and its application in industry.
Within the broader domain of science and technology, Biology has emerged as a key discipline able to contribute to the development of our nation. So many diverse sciences – physics, Mathematics, engineering, forensic, environmental, agricultural and biomedical sciences – share an essential tie to Biology. By its nature, Biology is a science that provides answers to countless fundamental questions asked by scientists. Almost every new technological challenge and important discovery for living things and depend on Biology. Hence, the Department has to play its proper role in our university.
To develop the department as well-known center for the innovative and applied post graduate academic courses and creative research for the progress of society, industry and nation in terms of growth and sustainability at global level.
Mission of the department is to offer relevant and quality education and training. Additionally, opening demand driven curriculums, conducting demand driven research and rendering accessible community services. The department aims to foster a workplace free of discrimination whereby all of our students and staff can work creatively in a safe, professional environment and achieve personal growth based on their ability. According to the Ethiopian Higher Education Proclamation and senate legislation of WU, the department is mandated to:
- Design and implement undergraduate and graduate programs and propose short-term trainings in accordance with the needs of the staff members;
- Publish and disseminate research works as well as hold discussion forms to deliberate upon the result;
- Upgrade the qualifications of its academic staff and enhance continuously their professional competency;
- To achieve distinction and synergy in teaching and research
- Contribute specially to the institutional capacity building of other public and non-profit-making private institutions, including the upgrading of the qualifications of their academic staffs;
- Provide consultancy services to industries and communities;
- Suggesting recent edition books for the library officers
- Cooperate with the agency on education relevance and quality matters;
- Charge appropriate fees for its services when warranted;
- Develop the qualified leaders in the field of biological sciences to fulfill the national need for appointing academic staff in new universities and research staff to devise strategies for conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources;
- Impart the knowledge and skills in biological subjects to increase the responsibility towards society and relevance of their studies for the betterment of society;
- Carry out such other activities that accord with its objectives.