Department of Cooperative Study
Cooperative Department is one of the five departments of College of Business and Economics of Wollo University Which conduct a teaching learning process, research and community service on Cooperative Business organization.
The history of modern cooperatives goes back to 1840s. Since this time cooperatives have been organized in different parts of the world for different purposes. However, the success of cooperatives was clearly identified and quite high in the agricultural sector. The history of many developed countries shows that cooperatives have been the best tools for the economic development in various sectors in general and agricultural sector in particular.
In countries like Ethiopia where a large proportion of the population lives in low socioeconomic brackets and in a situation where meager resources are only sparsely situated, cooperatives provide an opportunity to organize scattered resources and mobilize them for development.
Taking the experience of many countries, the cooperative movement of our country is flourishing since 1960s. These days, there is an interesting tendency to see well organized, managed and successful cooperatives at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. In this aspect the role of qualified and competent human resource in the field of cooperatives is undoubtedly critical & imperative.
In order to have more vibrant cooperative enterprises in the country that can support the cooperative development initiatives and transform this sector mainly rely on the quality of cooperative professionals produced by higher institutions. Therefore, to achieve this macro objective, the existence and implementation of well planned, critically analyzed and designed module is of paramount importance.
The vision of the Department is to become a highly efficient, dynamic and competitive center for cooperatives education, research and development in ten years’ time.
The mission of the Department is to promote, through its research, consultancy, training and educational activities the continued growth of the co-operative movement as an effective, locally-owned and democratically-controlled sector in an economy, designed to address the urgent needs and problems of the community.
Undergraduate Program:
BA in Cooperative Accounting and Auditing.
Graduate Program:
MA in Cooperative Business Management.