About Us




College of Social Sciences and Humanities envisions being one of the Colleges in terms of outstanding quality education, research and community development services in Ethiopia by 2017 E.C. (2025 G.C.).


The mission of our College is to prepare knowledgeable, skilled, and attitudinally mature graduate language experts; promote and enhance research focusing on languages education, policy, planning and cultural heritages issues; design and provide community and consultancy services consistent with the country’s priority needs.

College of Social Sciences and Humanities has the following objectives:

    Provide quality higher education at all levels through regular, extension, distance and continuing education modes so as to produce competent professionals who can support the development endeavor of the country;

    Deliver short-term training services to government, and non-government organizations to help them accomplish their objectives;

    Undertake researches that solve the socio-economic problems of the society as well as the country and that can also add new values and knowledge to the society;

    Give various related community services to fulfill social responsibilities expected of it as an academic institution and

    Encourage regional, national and international collaborations on different studies.

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